Vincles is a project fostered by the Contorno Urbano Foundation and the Municipality of Sant Vicenç dels Horts. It aims to improve the urban landscape of the town through participatory processes with neighbors and different organisations. The project potentiates the work in community in order to create different murals around the town, with the participation of professional artists who work alongside the citizens and local organisations.

There are three vincles on the project: Sutura Urbana, Espais Interiors i Microurbanisme.

The project will take place during 2019.

Sutura Urbana wants to join the neighborhoods together. In order to do so, we use a physical space of connection, as simple and important as tunnels are. We work alongside with organizations, schools and neighbors to decide the topic of the murals they want to see everyday on their neighborhoods. Also, to select the most appropriate artists, with the accurate tecnic and the necessary sensitivity, to present the citizens’ ideas.

Thanks to the develop of artistic activities in Sant Vicenç dels Horts, there’s a tunnel where two projects take place at the same time: Vincles and 12+1. The 12+1 began in December 2018 and each two months, two artists intervene the walls to creat momentary murals.

A la fase d’espais interiors s’han intervingut les escales del barri de Sant Josep per reforçar i donar continuïtat al projecte “Ciutat en Vers”, de foment de la poesia a l’espai públic. Sis artistes han fet estades d’entre 5 i 10 dies al poble per treballar amb la comunitat i aquesta ha participat en totes les fases artístiques, és a dir, des del disseny fins a l’execució.

A la fase de microurbanisme s’han intervingut espais reduïts del barri de Sant Josep i del barri del Centre per fer-los més amables i adaptar-los a les inquietuds i necessitats de la ciutadania. En aquest cas també s’han organitzat residències d’artistes que han treballat amb la comunitat totes les fases de la intervenció.