In May 2019 as part of the activities of the architecture week promoted by the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) we joined the organization group of the festival that took place that year in Esplugues de Llobregat.

This group also includes other organizations and institutions specialized in environmental activities or community architecture Plant for the planet or CalEarth. Students from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) and the Finestrelles residents association among other local agents also join.

The festival also included students and families from all the schools participating in the workshops carried out by COAC during architecture week, volunteers, neighbors, etc.

During the party, a path was painted that marked the route on foot from the Sant Joan de Deu Maternity and Children’s Hospital to the park, a tree plantation, artistic workshops and the construction of ephemeral elements and benches to the park and many other activities.

Objectives and considerations

– Regenerate and reactivate a park that is misused at the San Juan de Dios Maternal and Child Hospital in Esplugues de Llobregat and connect it with the hospital and the neighborhood.

– Use codesign and social participation methodologies to include as many groups as possible: architecture students, patients and relatives of the hospital, neighbors, local entities, etc.

– Train and guide the participants of the activities to make an improvement of the space with a satisfactory result and experience.

– Detect and act on the deficiencies of the space such as: The connection with the hospital and the neighborhood, areas for resting and socializing and the total number of trees.

Planification of the project

The planification of the activities was done jointly with the main group of organizing agents and architecture students of the ETSAB landscaping course. The students made proposals that were validated with the Esplugues City Council and the community. We also held co-design sessions to generate material and templates to paint the path that would connect the hospital to the park with patients from the hospital and the finestrelles foundation.

Co-design sessions