Articula’t 2015

Articula’t it’s a project from CONTORNO URBANO with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and in colaboration with other non-profits organizations.

The project works with diferent colectives like youngsters or elder people through art and graffiti workshops.


In 2015 Contorno Urbano worked on two different workshops :

The first one was with teenagers from CRAJ ( Cornellà ) and the second one with an intergenerational group formed mostly by women in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. The two workshops were based in the APS metodology and follow some patterns:  Learning technique , teorical knowledge , design and execution of the mural by the students.


The project “obrim l’escola Ernest Lluch” ( Open the Ernest Lluch school ) it’s based in our support to the right of a quality education.  This experience will tie us forever with this particular colective: The fathers and mothers of the children in the Ernest Lluch School. The project was focused on painting the site designed for the construccion of the future school. Currently , the kids are in prefabricated buildings in poor conditions.
With this in mind , we do our best to improve their day-to-day and fill with murals all the school through reputated artist and workshops. Also , we painted through Openwalls Conference ( an international mural festival based in Barcelona ) the buildings surrounding the lot were the school will be builded.


In the Abad Oliva School we made a workshop about expressing emotions through abstract painting. The workshop was focused on fear and joy and represented this two emotions in the walls of the school.